Common questions
Here we try to answer the most varied questions. The Frequently Asked Questions page is devoted entirely to answering the common questions we are commonly asked.
SOLVasto designs the best economical and legally compliant solution, taking into account maximizing efficiency and efficiency, thus seeking the maximum maximum reduction of your electricity bill.
Photovoltaic panels are suitable for urban and rural locations and are adaptable to almost any building with sun exposure. Photovoltaic panels are usually mounted on a sloping roof; however, they can also be mounted on a flat roof, facade, or floor.
The installation will depend on its size. Typically we can count on 2 to 6 weeks after the delivery of the equipment. The installation schedule is always agreed with the customer, so as not to disturb the normal operation of their business.
Photovoltaic panels transform solar radiation into direct current (DC) electricity. Since we cannot use DC directly, it will have to be converted to AC. To convert dc to ac a device called inverter is used. This equipment modifies the DC in AC, synchronizing it with the public network, thus making it usable in the customer installation. The drives are connected via a production and AC protection board to the customer’s Low Voltage Board (QGBT).
Once converted to AC electricity by the inverter, the electricity generated by the Solar PV system is automatically used to power the electrical appliances in your building. Any excess is automatically sold directly to your supplier through the national grid, so you don’t have to do anything..
The system operates on solar radiation in the spectrum of visible light and not heat. In practice this means that whenever light is available, the system will be producing electricity; even on the coldest and most cloudy days. Electricity production occurs throughout the year, but its production varies seasonally: with most of the electricity produced in the summer months; when more direct sunlight is available.
News and Informations
What does your company gain by investing in a self-consumption system?
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